Month: September 2017

Cirque du Soleil’s KOOZA; a review


A theatrical company with a prestigious reputation, the progressive and inspiring Cirque du Soleil have been wow-ing audiences around the world since their founding in 1984. Currently, it is the largest theatrical production company in the world, delivery multiple shows at many locations simultaneously.

KOOZA itself first premiered in 2007, and has been touring ever since. Its longevity testament to the performers who are brought in and its timeless story-line that truly resonates with the audience. It follows the journey of “the Innocent”, a naive child-like character who is blissfully unaware of the world around him.

Staged in a performance space inspired by a traditional touring circus tent, the performance itself utilises clowning in combination with acrobatics to create a breathtaking piece of work that leaves you (more…)

#107 – Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant

‘To Callum
Good luck and phone your mum.
Brum love
Glynn Purnell’

The countdown to my leaving the UK in 2016 for an unspecified amount of time was under way and, as part of my goodbyes, I was treated by my mum to a meal at the restaurant of one of my favourite Chef’s, Glynn Purnell.

The menu of choice at his Michelin star restaurant? The 9 course tasting menu.
To put it simply, it was a phenomenal dining experience.

Cornwall Street in Birmingham is the home of Purnell’s Restuarant. It is actually quite an understated building and, if you aren’t looking out for it, it is somewhere you could easily walk past without a second thought.

We were greeted immediately upon arrival, our bags and coats put to one side, and allowed to push the conversation (more…)

#106 – Visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa

‘I’ve been to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It’s a tower, and it’s leaning.
You look at it, but nothing happens,
so then you look for someplace to get a sandwich’
 – Danny DeVito

Truth be told, Danny DeVito hits the nail on the head with this one. In fact, the accuracy can be acknowledged by the fact that the second time I ended up in Pisa I didn’t even want to bother visiting the tower, however I made my way there with my then-girlfriend so she could experience what all the fuss was about – and I mean “fuss” in the most sarcastic of ways.

Anyway, you’d have to go all the way back to 2010 and a day trip from Florence to Pisa for the first time I visited the Leaning Tower and its Duomo. Apparently either during – or perhaps after – construction, the tower began to sink due to the ground being unable (more…)